Monday, September 17, 2007

Car Trouble

So Saturday evening plans were a little side tracked when we encountered a little car trouble right after our friends Seth and Sheri picked us up. After a slight encounter with a curb the rear passenger tire went flat - sidewall busted right open. So being men we did not want to wait for AAA, so out came the jack and spare tire. All was well until there developed a leak in the gas line.

AUTHORS NOTE: always listen to that little voice in your head that tells you to pull out the owners manual and verify the jack points for your car. -otherwise you might puncture a gas line.

So after the tire was changed, the smell of gas became over-whelming. Not equipped to handle this we did have to call AAA, but they would not come until the fire department determined that the car was not going to blow up. The firemen did come and besides making fun of us, they determined all was safe. See below.
Seth and I are working to try and resolve the issue at hand and and meanwhile Amy and Sheri and enjoying the cool fall evening.

And finally AAA did arrive to tow the car to safety and repairs at Center City Toyota. And in the end the evening was not lost we still made it out to dinner.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Flight delay

So this is a new one. On the way to Seattle our flight was delayed from taking off in Philly by about 2 hours, pretty normal. The kicker came 3 hours in we had to land in Minneapolis because both toliets broke. Turns out no one in Philly unloaded the tanks. Once they got them unloaded we were on our way. This is a picture of the guy that came onboard to figure it out.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Monkey Video

Check out this video on YouTube, it is work appropriate. Best video from a zoo ever.

Michigan Who?

So all I have to say is Go Mountaineers!

Any team that can put Michigan 0-1 out of the gate this season deserves a post from me. And Casey I hope you leave a comment here, because I am curious as to what you have to say for your little Wolverines....Bring it on Michigan!