Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Inside Man

Amy and I went to see a movie this weekend, Inside Man. And while yahoo only give it a B+ I would say it was a good movie with a creative ending that really had me guessing. Anyway I recommend it to anyone looking for a movie that is pretty engaging and tells a creative story.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Fishing accident

So last night I stopped at Wissahickon Creek on my way home to try out my new fishing rod on some trout. Well I get there and would you know it, I almost fall into the creek trying to lean against a tree to get a better casting position. I say almost because as I was falling I through my right arm around the tree and held on to keep from going in. The results of that was I ripped most of the skin off of the inside of my right arm. And today that stings a little. Maybe I will post a picture tonight.

But talking with Chad (my sister's b-friend) last night I found out I am using the wrong bait and need a small roster tail or some salmon eggs to have a better shot. Maybe I will try again next week sometime.

This weekend I am off to Cincinnati for a little business on Friday and then some time with the family.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Spring is here..and Comcast is expensive!

Spring has arrived in Philly, and it makes the weekends so much more fun. Last Saturday I was able to ride 20 miles on West River Drive, besides my back hurting a little on Sunday it was not to bad.

On another note my 6 month introductory period with comcast is now over :-(. My bill has gone from $75 for digital cable, on-demand, DVR, HBO and internet, to nearly $125. I wonder if there is a way to cancel and sign back-up for a better deal... Maybe I will spend sometime on the phone trying to convince them that it makes more sense to offer me a deal, than to come out take all the boxes back to come back in a week to re-install them.