Monday, May 15, 2006


So it has been a months, but I guess I should take the time to post about my cousin Danny's wedding at Notre Dame. It was a great weekend with the family. It did start out with quite an adventure for Amy and I. We left Philly at 7:15am, flew to Pittsburgh, on to Chicago. Take the redline train into the city, kill a couple of hours waiting for the METRA train to south bend by checking our bags at the Hilton, and getting Subway and Arby's for lunch. One guess who got Arbys...

Then after a nearly 3 hour train ride to South Bend, we wait 25 minutes for the hotel shuttle driver, b/c he was picking up his dry cleaning. But the important thing is we made it in time for a great dinner. The wedding itself was gorgeous inside the basilica;

And of course I got to see TD Jesus.

Overall a very good trip.

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