Wednesday, October 11, 2006

10k Turkey Trot

So in the competitive spirit that is my family I could not turn down an invite from my sister Jenn, which in retrospect was not really an invite, in fact all she did was tell me she was doing a 10K on Thanksgiving in the 'Nati and I instantly had to also sign up. So that being said I am now locked in for a 10K in a short 5 weeks. If you know me you may be saying to yourself why is he so worried that is not so bad it is only 6 miles, you were a rower for 7 years this should be cake.

Well the most important part of that equation is that I have been sitting behind a desk for 8-10 hours a day for over 5 years. You tend to fall out of shape with that lifestyle. So what is my plan? Buy some cool gear of course, this job has to have some perks and affording gear is one of them. So I bought new running shoes - turns out I pronate and need stability shoes and the shin splints and have been getting may have been due to the shoes I was running in. I also have a fancy shin split wrap that is supposed to help heal my leg that now throbs with pain when I run. And I am sure I will have to get more before the race. I will provide training updates as I don't achieve them over the next 5 weeks.


Anonymous said...

If I can survive an 8K while smoking and drinking my life away, you most certainly can handle a 10K! I actually have to decide between a 5K and 10K on Halloween. The 5K is winning in my head right now.

I am interested in more about the shoes and shin splint wrap. Post more about those.

Keith said...

I will take a picture of the shoes tonight when I get home, but they are Reeboks, and the shin splint wrap it cool I post a pic of that also.