Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Birthdays and Reflections

So I turn 30 today and so far it has been a great day and I am happy to get all the well wishes, cards and calls. And being a major milestone birthday I am more reflective especially on Lew's smugness comment from yesterday's post. I have to admit that I do not want to be condescending to my suburban friends, as increasingly that is most of them. To each his own and who knows maybe Amy and I will end up in the 'burbs someday. I doubt it but anything is possible. But I will still continue to extol the virtues I see in urban living, and will leave out the digs against the suburban lifestyle.

Speaking of virtues, if it is not pouring rain tonight Amy and I will be walking to Osteria, and great Italian restaurant just up the street from our house. Delicious. I will be having a small salad for lunch today.


Andy said...

Happy Birthday, old man!

You're getting up there in years, so I wouldn't hate on the 'burbs too much. Before you know it you'll be watering your lawn wearing sansabelt slacks and talking about early-bird dinners at Applebee's!

Susanne said...

On Greg's behalf, Happy Birthday Keith!!

: )

Kristin said...

Happy, Happy Birthday Keith!

Anonymous said...

Happy B-day keif!!

Ellyn said...

Happy Birthday! - el, j, and zo