Sunday, June 08, 2008

Waterfront Homes

So Amy and I have decided that someday we should get a house on the water somewhere. And to inspire us there was a great show on HGTV today, very cleaverly called Amazing Waterfront Homes, and the Big Sur home below, has the added benefit of being very eco.

On another TV note, tonight is the first episode of the new season of ice road truckers. And they have switched the routes from diamond mines to natural gas feilds. Not nearly as exciting, expect that it is all ice, no land at all. I am excited to have some decent summer tv to watch.


Anonymous said...

Uh, yeah, that house looks bad ass.

Midamerica said...

Awesome place Keith. Kick me an email at Looking forward to hearing from you.

Midamerica said...

Hey Keith,
Nice place. Kick me an email at I'd like to hear how things are going.