Sunday, March 30, 2008

iWeb & GoDaddy not a bad combination

So I have figured out iWeb and now have dedicated a little time into pulling together a basic informational wedding site ( for friends and family regarding the wedding. Feel free to check it out. Let me know if there is anything else that would be helpful to add.


Kristin said...

First, I think you should hire me to review all your web copy before it goes live. Since I'm your sister, I'll even do it for free. ("assit"... really, Keith?)

What kind of a sister would I be if I didn't give you a little bit of crap, right?

I love the site. I was just at a wedding that had a great site as well. You need to add more personal, schmoopy stuff, though. Tell the people what they REALLY want to know. Add photos and stories about you and Amy. Oooh, and have a section where friends and family can send you well wishes and such (though considering our technologically impaired fam, I'll probably be the only one who uses it).

Oh, and if you can add an "RSVP online" feature when the time comes, that'd be pretty sweet.

Keith said...

Ok but if that is the only error you found I am doing really well. My grammer and spelling issues are aweful.

Anonymous said...

Keith, I love the website also. I want to know what schmoopy stuff is.

Jenn said...

I just checked out the site and it looks nice. I agree with Kristin and Mom too.

Kristin said...

Hardy har har.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and hope that the "awful" and "grammar" mistakes were intentional.

Schmoopy: Look it up.

Kate & Casey said...

I think Casey and Matt's 'deck' would make a nice addition to the site. ~Kate